Saidaiji Eyo

A religious rite held in the area around Saidaiji Temple in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture, the Saidaiji Eyo is known as one of Japan’s three strangest festivals.

In the bitter cold, naked men struggle to take hold of sticks made from wood of the shingi tree. Those who prevail in the fierce competition are fuku otoko, or lucky men, and are promised a year of good fortune.

The event will next be held on Saturday, February 17, 2024.

DetailsStarting TimePlaceImages
・Shounen Hadaka Matsuri
(Hadaka Matsuri of primary school boys)
・Mochi Nage
(competition for rice cakes by primary school boys at 1st and 2nd grade)
・Gofukuzutsu Soudatsu
(competition for cylindrical treasures by primary school boys at 3rd and 4th grade)
・Houzutsu Soudatsu
(competition for cylindrical treasures by primary school boys at 5th and 6th grade)
at 3:20 pmtemple
・Eyo Jinku
(dance performance by dance teams of university and local dance club to liven up the festival)
at 5:40 pmtemple
・Eyo Daiko
(drum performance by women to raise male participant’s morale and to wish for their safety)
at 6:30 pm
at 7:30 pm
(twice in a day)
main hall of
the temple
・Eyo Fuyu Hanabi
(fireworks launch)
from 7:00 pm
to 7:30 pm
river bed of
(near the temple)
・Shingi Touka
(throwing of a lucky sacred wodden stick called “Shingi” into the crowd by the master of the temple, battle for Shingi by men wearing loincloth starts)
at 10:00 pmmain hall of
the temple
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